Low Carb + Gluten Free

I know that, in my last post, I mentioned that I would be transitioning myself to a paleo diet, but I’ve been following a more low carb and gluten free diet instead. 

A month ago was told by my doctor that my blood sugar is higher than it should be and that many of the ailments I’d been struggling with (asthma, eczema, dry skin, headaches, fatigue) could be a result of my eating habits. She urged me to make immediate dietary changes, saying that I should feel better almost immediately. 

Boy, so much can change in a month! Since the change, I don’t feel as bloated anymore. My fatigue is minimal, and my headaches occur less frequently (though can still be pretty severe). I always knew that I was consuming too much junk and sugar (I have a major sweet tooth!), but I didn’t let myself believe that my health could be affected by it. I was oblivious. My eating habits have changed in a very positive way in the last 30 days, and I no longer have overpowering cravings for junk food like I used to. My cravings have shifted from hamburgers and ice cream to turkey patties and strawberries with peanut butter.

I want to share with you, honestly, in what ways my diet has changed. Below, you will see a chart showing my nutritional information on any given day before I made my lifestyle change. You can see that my daily carbohydrate intake was off the charts. Literally! I can’t believe I was consuming so many carbs! 

Here is the same chart with the nutrition information for an average day now that I am more consience of my carbohydrate intake.    

What a difference! My goal is to consume no more than 130g (roughly 40% of my daily caloric intake) of carbohydrate on any given day. Most days, I stay between 80-100g. I can’t believe that close to 50% of my diet was carbs before. The fats I was consuming before came from garbage: chips, candies, crackers, burgers, fries, etc. My fats now come from healthier places: peanut butter, raw pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, protein bars, and almonds, for example. 

Macros THEN:   
Macros NOW:

I feel so much better now. My mind is less foggy, my mood is more positive, and I have more motivation to get up and get things done. I’m more motivated than ever to get off the couch and hit the gym! I’m losing weight more quickly (7lbs in the last month – 17 pounds in all since I began my fitness journey last Summer) and have lost 3% body fat already! I’m confident that I will finally achieve my goal of feeling comfortable in my own skin. Maybe next summer I can shop for the cutest, hippest bikinis :). 

❤️ Feel free to follow my journey more closely on my Instagram page by following me @LIVELOVEFULLY_