What a difference a doctor can make!

I’ve been only two weeks and I’ve already had my sonohysterogram and am scheduled for my HSG on March 3rd (had to reschedule due to DCA testing for me kiddos at school). I got a call today that I’ve also ALREADY have the authorization for my pituitary MRI. So…. The new office did in ONE DAY what the previous office couldn’t do in TWO MONTHS? Given, this authorization was just for an MRI ANC not treatments, but still. I can tell things are going to be much better here :).

I’ll be scheduling my pituitary MRI with contrast for sometime between next week and March 6th (hopefully). My RE wants to make sure there are no tumors or growths on my glands, causing my primary hypothalamic amenorrhea. He says I’m “much too young” to have these issues. I’ve also never been extremely athletic, underweight, or overweight, so I don’t fall into the norm for my diagnosis. He thought it’s a peculiar and want to heck everything out for us.

Lots of testing in my immediate future.

Live. Love. Learn.


Sonohysterogram #2

I’ve been here before.

Nervous. Heart pounding. Hands shaky.

I don’t like this feeling, but I know it’s a necessary evil if I ever want to have my own children.

My last sono was last February, so I’m back today to have it done again. My last procedure was painful because my RE was so rough and careless. The procedure left me in tears and with horrible cramping. New RE seems to be a kinder, more caring, and over all more genuine individual. DH couldn’t make it with me this time, but I’m wearing cute socks, have 800mg of ibuprofen pumping through me, and I took the day off from work so I could be a little more calm… So bring it on!

March 4, I am scheduled for my HSG (not looking forward to that either), and if it comes back clear, we’ll go ahead with injectables.

Two HUGE steps toward Baby Horak within two weeks of each other. This is good… We have been still for so long. It feels good to finally be moving toward our goal :).


The nurse practitioner was much more gentle than my last RE. The procedure was very uncomfortable for me. I breathed very deeply and heavily through the entire procedure, with my hand on my stomach. She asked me multiple times throughout the short procedure if I’m okay. I’m having a lot of cramping, and continue to be uncomfortable, but at least I didn’t leave the office crying this time :). On my way home to relax.

Live. Love. Learn.


Two Steps Toward Baby

It’s been three weeks since I severed ties with my “new RE.” All we ever did with her was have a consult. She was fantastic, but her administrative team is horrible. So, we moved on over to another doctor.

I had my consult yesterday, yes… On Valentine’s Day. He was very genuine and answered all of my questions completely. We agreed that my next steps are to have another sonohysterogram and an HSG. I had a lot if cramping during my sono, and I’ve heard that an HSG is more painful, so I, really not looking forward to them. My sono is scheduled for February 19th, and my HSG s scheduled for March 4th. Cross your fingers and send positive vibes my way, please :).

Live. Love. Learn.
(Decided to change it)
