Rose Water Does What?

I have sensitive skin. Always have.

It’s not so sensitive that I have to read product labels and watch what I apply to my face, though. I really only have problems when I get waxed. Unfortunately, I break out in itchy, red bumps all over. The bumps that pop up on my face look like small welts and develop primarily on my cheeks, under my eyes, and beneath my ears. Weird, I know (FYI – I get a full face wax every 4-6 weeks). In the last six months or so, I haven’t had a problem with developing these awkward lumps, but unfortunately they’re back after my latest appointment on Saturday morning. Luckily for me, my cousin suggested I apply rose water liberally on the affected areas. I looked into it a little bit, and found out that rose water is a natural anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, cleanser, and moisturizer. Boy, was a surprised! I immediately went on a wild goose chase (Phoenicia – our local middle eastern/international market had closed for the night) for rose water! I found a good sized bottle for $2.29 at Fiesta Mart! Within minutes of application, my skin stopped itching as intensely as before and within hours the redness and inflammation in my face had been reduced. I’ve been advised to apply rose water every 4-6 hours or as needed until the inflammation is completely gone (2-3 days should do the trick).

Next time, I will take my bottle of rose water with me, and have my esthetician apply it for me directly after my wax to help prevent redness and inflammation from developing in the first place :).

There are many other uses for rose water! I’ve read that it’s also really great for use with curly hair (I’ll have to look further into that)! Do you use rose water in your beauty regimen?


To Tieks or Not to Tieks?

I’ve found the shoes of my dreams… I think!

I see Tieks advertised all over Facebook all the time, but haven’t really ever paid much mind to them. I finally looked into them, and I am truly in LOVE!! I am asking Hubby for a pair for Christmas!

front_0044_cardinal_front _0030_cardinal_folded_2

Tieks come in 4 finishes: print, patent, classic, and vegan! The pair I have my eyes on are from their classic collection and are red in color. Here’s what their website says about them:

Make a statement in Cardinal Red Tieks. The deep richness of these lovely, chic, full-grain, Italian leather Tieks sums up this season’s mood and is sure to create a show-stopping diversion. Brighten up a look and a room when you wear them with anything from jeans to dresses.

  • 100% premium, soft, full-grain leather
  • Non-elasticized, cushioned back
  • Non-skid rubber soles and cushioned instep

The really cool thing about Tieks is that they are very versatile and very compact. They can be folded in half, as to not take up much space in a travel bag. I’ve read that they’re the “perfect traveling shoe,” because they are so comfortable. They come in whole sizes only, so I’m not sure whether I would be a size 8 or 9, because I am a true size 8.5, but I have heard that their customer service department is fantastic and very accommodating to their customers :). Another thing about Tieks that draws me in is their packaging. It seems that SO much thought was put into their packaging. It’s so pretty, I’m not sure I could ever open it up :)!!

tieks packaging

Learn more about Tieks here, on their website.


Halloween Has Come and Gone

Last year, Hubby and I bought matching Superman and Superwoman costumes to wear in Las Vegas with our friends. We spent a fortune on them, only to not even wear them out! Maybe we’ll get some use out of them this year, but I’m thinking we probably wont. I was thinking I could probably wear them to school for Halloween but the skirt is short, and the costume would look silly with leggings!


As I looked through Halloween costumes, I noticed a lack of costumes in between “conservative” and… um… not so “conservative.” Yes, I’m young… but I’m also pretty modest compared to most people my age, I suppose. While the costumes are cute, they just aren’t me! I don’t understand why all costumes for women my age have to be so revealing. What stinks even more is that I’m tall (5’8″)… so everything is even shorter on me than the models on whom the costumes are shown!

Someone should come up with a line of Halloween costumes targeted toward young professionals. Or maybe someone already has… and I just haven’t come across them yet??