Today was Meet the Teacher at my new campus. It was such a pleasure to see some of the kiddos I’ll spend the next year of my life with and the parents who took time away from their busy days to come meet me. I’m really excited to spend a day with my kids, come Monday.

As a treat, I placed small cards on each student desk that read “It’s no secret that 4th graders are SMARTIES!” next to my student information forms and attached a package of smarties to each one. The kids loved them!

All in all, I love the way my room has come along this year. Everything is clean, fresh, colorful, and organized. I’ve uncluttered a lot of things, and will continue to do so throughout the year.

My entrance! Bulletin boards to display student work, College Bound board (Go COOGS!), passes, student mailboxes, my mailbox, etc.

An overview of my room and arrangement of student desks.

My whole group area :)!

My small group areas.

Lots of goodies at the front of my room 🙂

I have lots of ideas in mind for things to put together for my classroom and as gifts to y 4th grade teammates and faculty/staff.. S stay tuned and keep checking back!

Live. Laugh. Learn.


Fresh Start

I’ve been so busy decorating and organizing my new classroom, that I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been working very hard in my room to set up an organized and efficient area for myself and my students to work.

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
To create my job chart, I used my “Daily Schedule” chart from years prior. I have my students names color coded and organized boy-girl.

Teacher’s Helper – Assists teacher by picking up printed papers, being “runner” if one is needed, passing out and picking up papers, etc. Also acts as line leader.

Pencil Manager – Sharpens pencils daily and empties shavings into trash bin.

Schedule Keeper – This student will check the specials and recess schedule every morning and will be our reminder when the time arises for the activity.

Restroom Monitor – In years past, I had a Restroom Monitor for the boys RR and the girls RR, but decided this year, that one who stands in the middle will suffice. My RR Monitor will make sure that as one comes out, another goes in. He or she will also distribute e appropriate amount of hand sanitizer, AKA “hanitizer” haha.

Librarian – Keeps track of checked out books and keeps classroom library organized by genre.

Textbook Keeper – Passes out, collects, and stores textbooks neatly in the correct place.

Materials Specialist – Passes out materials needed for activities.

Recess Equipment Specialist – I am not sure yet if I will need this job or not, but if I do, this will be the person who carries our recess equipment in and out.

Electrician – Turns all electronics and lights on in the morning and off in the afternoon. Also acts as caboose.

Classroom Library!
(Organized by genre – some bins are still being labeled.)

My “Non-Desk” Desk!
As my new school does not provide teachers a traditional desk, I’ve created my own. Honestly, as much as I was upset about it to start with, I’ve learned that I prefer this to a traditional one. This set up allows me to be more organized and minimizes my everyday clutter, because, frankly, there’s no room for it. Please excuse the small mess, as I am still in the process of organizing and setting up.

Lunch Check-In!
Here, students choose their lunch choice for the day. Clips are color coded to make taking attendance more simple. Students whose clips aren’t moved, are easily identified as absent.

I’ll be back with my whole group and small group areas and other goodies once I’m completely finished!

Live. Laugh. Learn.


Call me the Matron… of Honor!

Exciting news, y’all!

Biggie has asked me to be her Matron of Honor! Woohoo!!

Parisa is my Phi Mu Big Sister! We both attended University of Houston, and were members of the Alpha Pi collegiate chapter of Phi Mu Fraternity there. She is one of the sweetest, kindest, most caring people I know, and I’m so excited for her to begin this next journey in her life with the man of her dreams. I’m really looking forward to their wedding in March!

Here’s the photo she took of my reaction. I was obviously very excited. Her card gave me goosebumps!

Live. Laugh. Learn.



New outlook.
After the pain from my surgery subsided, I began to have a new outlook on life. I can breathe more easily, have less frequent headaches, and will not have any more pesky tonsilliths. I feel happier and healthier already. I lost 8 pounds after my tonsillectomy and began to see a huge difference in the fit of my clothing. I’m happier now with the way I look. Everyone told me not to be too excited, because,they thought with the return of my appetite would come the weight. I’m proud to say that I have defied the odds, and have only gained back one pound. The day of my surgery I was 167 pounds. At my lightest after surgery, I was 159. I now sit between 159-160. I’m very proud of myself for keeping control of my cravings and sweet tooth. Honestly, I do still have cravings.. But they’re not overpowering anymore. I’ve also found that I now crave more fruits and healthy snacks than I ever have in the past. Ashley and I have set up a fitness plan together. Although we’re so far from one another (Texas – California), we are going to encourage one another to lose weight and become more fit. I’m hoping my motivation continues to push me. I went grocery shopping last night, and didn’t buy a sing,e unhealthy item… It was a proud moment :)! I also use the app My Fitness Pal and love it!

New classroom. New school.
I’m excited to say that I began moving into my new classroom today! Dad came over to help me load up and deliver. We moved the majority of crates over, and I only have a few large things left to take (easel, fridge, etc.). I’m very excited to be in a new classroom in a new school. I’m hopeful the environment will be a drastic change from where I’d been the last two years. I’m really excited to implement new behavior management techniques and classroom routines. I’m also very excited to use the skills I acquired during the HISD Summer Writing Institute with my kids. I’m dreaming big :)!

New bedroom.
We FINALLY ordered bedroom furniture, and it arrives tomorrow! Woohoooo! We will be receiving our head/foot boards, dresser, mirror, and two bedside tables, along with a bench for the end of our be, and a HUGE full length mirror tomorrow. We are super excited!

Live. Laugh. Learn.