They’re here!


I am still in shock.
So many needles!

Thank goodness for Hubby.
He is so very appreciated!
Especially for administering my meds to me in the coming days.

On top of my meds arriving, so did AF. I had cramps last night, so I suspected something could be happening in there, and wouldn’t you know.. I started this morning. That means that my cycle is pushed back a day and that today is the new CD1. Injections start in CD3 – Friday!

Baby dust to all.

Live. Love. Learn.


This is really going to happen!

I ordered my first cycle of meds for our IUI + TI cycle. I didn’t think I’d ever see this day… We’re finally going to try.

Our meds came out to less than we thought they would without coverage, although the pharmacy is going to try to authorize the prescription with my insurance company (I was told it’s very unlikely, but we’ll see).

E2 labs are on Thursday morning and injections start that evening!


Live. Love. Learn.


Liebster Award!


The Liebster award was created by bloggers, to recognize new and upcoming blogs. How does it all work?

1. Link back the person who nominated you for the award.

2. Answer the questions sent to you by the person who nominated you.

3. List 11 random facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 3-5 bloggers with fewer than 200 followers

5. Make up a set of questions for your nominations

So here we go!

1. If you could spend a year in any part of the world (cost does not matter), where would it be and why.
We honeymooned in Hawaii, and completely fell in love! I’d love to spend a year island hopping and relaxing with :).

2. What do you like the most about yourself?
This is a tough question for me. I feel like the thing I like best about myself is that I am, in general, an optimistic person. With everything going on right now, it’s very tough to stay positive, but it’s a must!

3. What do you like to do to relax or relieve tension?
When I’m really in the mood, cleaning helps me relax (hahahaha, truly… but that’s rare!). Usually, to relax, I cuddle with my pups ❤️. Ooh, or get a mani/pedi.

4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I have always wanted to be a teacher… and it’s exactly what I’m doing now!

5. What is your favorite song of all time? (This can be hard so if you can narrow it down to two or three that is fine).
I really love “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri. Lately, though, I’ve really been digging “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, too!

6. What might people be surprised to know about you?
I purchased my first home at the age of 23 :)!

7. What is your favorite comfort food?
Mmm… Anything sweet! Cheesecake, brownies, ice cream… I’ll take a little bit of everything, please!

8. If there is one thing you could learn to do but have not yet done, what is it?
My mom makes the most delicious Iranian food, and I’m over here struggling to make Persian rice lol. She’s tried to teach me… But I’m special 😉.

11 Facts about Me

1. I was born and raised in Houston, TX, but lived in California for 6 years (7-12th grades).

2. I have travelled to 4 of the 7 continents – North America (duh!), Africa, Europe, and Asia.

3. I have a Freiberg Infraction on the second metatarsal head on my right foot.

4. I have been hospitalized ultisols times in my lifetime due to my asthma. The most recent stay was during my student teaching semester in college (2011).

5. I had a septoplasty and rhinoplasty in 2006.

6. I had a tonsillectomy and revision septoplasty in the summer of 2013! Yes… At. The. Same. Time. Worst experience of my life! Ahhh!

7. I am terrified of injections/needles! Great for infertility, right?

8. My memory is horrible! I tell my students all the time, “You know I’m going to forget, remind me and bug me about it until I get it done!”

9. My little brother and I are 16 months apart!

10. My favorite perfume of all time is Juicy Couture! Mmm… And Heavenly! And Pure Poison… Yeah, I love delicious smells.

11. I love leggings. And jeggings, too!

My Nominations
WTF Ovaries
Dogs Aren’t Kids
A Calm Persistence


Who says?

Why must conceiving our child be such a financial burden?

I left my RE appointment so happy today. My baseline ultrasound shows no cysts on my ovaries, so everything is ready for us to start our cycle on CD5 – Thursday (I’m on BCP). The financial specialist broke everything down and gave me the printout. It all seemed fine, until I called DH. When I started reading it all to him (he couldn’t get away from work soon enough to make it to my appt), it really sank in just how expensive this is all going to be. We’re recent college grads, just starting out in our careers.. Treatments are a lot of money to spend each month trying to do what comes so naturally to most women… Get pregnant. What’s more unsettling is that nothing is guaranteed. You pour your heart, soul, and money into something you’re so invested in… Not knowing what will come of it. To make matters worse, our insurance covers absolutely nothing fertility related. How much does that suck? Who’s to say we shouldn’t be parents? So many women get pregnant without trying or even wanting to. Life is so unfair sometimes.

Sometimes, I catch myself crying and have to remind myself that in the end everything will be okay.

We will get through this, and one way or another, someday, we will be parents. Please keep us in your thoughts. Thanks to the internet, I know I’m not alone in all this. I find comfort in knowing that so many women overcome infertility and welcome beautiful bundles of joy into their lives. I wish and hope with my entire being that our dreams come true soon.

Alright, alright. Enough pity party.

*Meds will be ordered first thing in the morning. I’m scheduled for my E2 on Thursday, and we will be set to begin injections that same evening.*

Baby dust to all ❤️.

Live. Love. Learn.


CD1! Finally!

This month has been weird.
Pretty sure CD1 has already really come and gone, but it didn’t meet my RE’s definition of CD1, so we’re considering my first day of my placebo pills my CD1.. Which is today!

We are meeting with our RE tomorrow for our meds consult, baseline ultrasound, and injectables class. As afraid as I am of needles, I’ve been pretty good at staying calm about what’s in my immediate future. My hubby has already agreed that he will do my injections for me, because, let’s face it.. There’s no way I could prick myself. No way, no how. I’m too much of a wuss!

It’s sinking in that this is actually happening. It’s happening now. I can’t believe how far we’ve come this year. I really hope this is the year for Baby Horak. Please keep us in your thoughts.

Live. Love. Learn.



I’ve been a member of the Influenster community for a while now, and am loving it. I’ve received two boxes within 6 months, that were full of goodies to try and review. If you have free time on your hands every now and then, check them out. Participation is simple and consists of completing surveys and submitting product reviews!

Live. Love Learn.



I posted last month about my genetic screening for the SMN1 gene. Because of my results, DH had to go in to be tested as well. Well… Being as impatient as I am, I’ve called my RE’s office three times in the last two weeks (knowing full-well that the results take 2 weeks to be available). Until today, I’ve been told that the results are “still pending.” The results should have been available on Friday, but two weeks of waiting have been for nothing, because an “insufficient amount of blood was drawn” for his screening. How it took a week and a half to figure this out, I don’t know. Ugh. The labs coordinator gave me the direct “cellphone” number of the LabCorp representative for the office, and asked that I call her and let her know what the issue is. She told me to ask that my labs be processed STAT, so that we have results come back before my medication consult. Well, I called, and the lady who answered seemed very confused to be hearing from me. She asked if I was a patient, and when I said yes, she said that she doesn’t deal directly with patients, but office coordinators instead. After questioning me about how and who gave me her contact information, she kindly asked me to have DH go back in for a redraw. She explained that she will send out the emails and make the calls tomorrow to try to speed up the process for us, but also said that she “can’t make any promises.” He’s going in early tomorrow morning to have his blood drawn again. I asked him to gently remind the lab technician to please draw enough for the SNM1 screening. My cycle starts the last week of the month, and we are consulting with our RE on the 28th about the results (if they’re in by then) and my prescription. I’m really hoping we don’t have to postpone our treatment again because of a lab oopsie!

On a side-note –
Everyone thinks teachers are off all summer long, but that’s far from the truth! I have to attend a week of unpaid inservice in mid-July, and have also applied to two science inservices. I’m really hoping I get into one of them. They each offer a stipend (which will go straight into our baby account) and science materials for the classroom, but only one gives participants an iPad that can be used in the classroom. The latter is held at my alma mater, University of Houston, and is the program I would prefer to attend.

That being said, I would really like to plan a vacation for this summer. Somewhere fun! DH has mentioned going back to Maui, but I think that may be too expensive. One been thinking that New York could be lots of fun. Last time I was there, I was under 5 years old.. So I’m long overdue!

What affordable vacation spots are your favorites :)?

Live. Love. Learn.